
  • Business Type: Community Facilities & Resources
  • Short Description: Upper Rio Grande Economic Development’s mission is to serve as a communication hub, increase job opportunities, the population and tax base, and help Rio Grande County businesses.
  • Open: Year Round


Upper Rio Grande Economic Development
P.O. Box 6
Del Norte
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Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Upper Rio Grande Economic Development’s mission is to serve as a communication hub, increase job opportunities, the population and tax base, and help Rio Grande County businesses.

Our vision is to make Rio Grande County and the western side of the San Luis Valley the most attractive Rocky Mountain destination with a vibrant rural economy. 

Upper Rio Grande Economic Development (URGED) encourages economic and community development in the upper Rio Grande Basin by being the representative of the business community to municipal, county, state and federal government and undertaking a leadership role by supporting programs for the benefit of the business community in the above mentioned geographic area.  URGED encourages growth in Agriculture, Tourism, Entrepreneurship and Place-Based Development by proactively promoting the area and concentrating on future development, including support of infrastructure and new ventures.

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28 Silverthread Lane
South Fork, Colorado 81154


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